A Primary Experimental Studies on a Propolis-complex Desensitizer of Dentin Hypersensitivity Developed by Ourselves 自行研制的牙齿感觉过敏症复方蜂胶脱敏剂的初步实验研究
PrefaceDental papilla mesenchymal cells differentiate into primary odontoblasts and form primary dentin during tooth development. 在牙齿发育期间,牙乳头间充质细胞分化为成牙本质细胞,形成原发性牙本质;
The primary study is around the effect of Nd: YAG Laser treatment of dentin hypersensitivity, the respondences of dental pulp and the morphological changes of tooth hard tissues after irradiation. 目前,主要的研究集中在激光治疗的效果、牙髓的反应和对牙齿硬组织的影响方面。